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Writer's pictureJamie Marie Torres

Sunday Night

A Walk Poem By Jamie Torres

Ok, ready in a minute

but feels like hours from now

Gotta get their utensils before I greet them

Oh joy!

They’re ready to order



They’re not

But only I know it

They don’t know it

They’ll never know it

And now they’d like me to stand here

While they figure it out

“I’ll give you a minute”

“No, we’ve got it, just hold on”

I can see Brianna coming my way

She’s got mozz sticks and the spinach dip

Probably for my two top

Of two teen boys watching Tennesse Titans

I doubt they’ll order anything else

Just an excuse to sit and watch

God I’m so behind.

When I get home,

I gotta remember to charge my laptop

And take off my makeup

I always forget my makeup

It’s not good for my pores

Okay, the table in front finally knows what they want

I think

I hope


A two-for-twenty boneless wings and chicken tenders and ribs

“I’ll put that in right away!”

They didn’t specify If they want the platter

or the basket

So I’m giving them the basket

It’s more food

for more money

and hopefully a higher tip

No one ever reads the menu

Sometimes that helps

Sometimes it doesn’t

“There’s bacon on this and I can’t eat bacon”

Well if you actually read the damn menu

You’d where it says “bacon topping.”

Now time to run my bar drinks

Oh god is there a lot

I want to try this Tipsy Sunset sometime

But not now, not when Dom’s on the bar

He’s a terrible bartender

I’ll wait for when Erin is on

I’m gonna have to clean the woodies soon, aren’t I?


Cheers from some guests and booing from others

All focused at the TV

Maybe the Jets scored?

Or maybe the ref called a penalty?

Or got body-slammed?

By Eil Manning or whoever

Back in the kitchen my food’s up ready for one table

But I came to get drinks for another

Guess the Pepsis can wait

Out the kitchen again

And look I’ve been double sat

Great! Thanks, hostess

Family of five is gone

They paid and went

Hostess tells me

That the family told them

They left the tip on the table

Let’s see

Bill was $210

They left $35

A little less

than 18%

Close enough

Good god

Will the manager just cut me already?

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